// Selected Works
- Love in the Air
One Truth Bros
- The Artist - Art in Public Project
One Truth Bros
- "Sunlight" Hauser Design
One Truth Bros
- Prince Albert 2 - Monaco Streetart Auction - Upaint
One Truth Bros, Pase & Dr. Drax
- The Pink Dog - Streetart Festival Frauenfeld
One Truth Bros, Pase & Dr. Drax
- The Family Dog
One Truth Bros
- Shining Dog
One Truth Bros
- Artworks in Zurich City Art Collection
One Truth Bros
- Dog God K9
One Truth Bros
- Ghost Dogs - Museum Kunsthalle Bern
One Truth Bros
- Streetart high class Villa
One Truth Bros
- Martha Cooper meets One Truth "Unframed"
One Truth Bros
- Berlin Dogs
- Tree House
One Truth Bros
- Funky Dogod
- Stutz Medien / New Work
One Truth Bros
- The Rainbow Bridge "DAISY" Rest in Peace
One Truth Bros
- X-Mas Street Art Show 2019
One Truth Bros
- Dont Wake Up Sleeping Dogs - Street Art Schweiz
One Truth Bros
- New Urban Art on Canvas 2019
One Truth Bros, Pase & Dr.Drax
- B.R.O.S.
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Live Painting Hamburg - Zurich Tourismus
One Truth Bros, Pase, Dr.Drax
- Free Like A Dog - Urban Art Schweiz
One Truth Bros
- Bucharest Street Art Dogs
One Truth Bros
- Bahnhofstrasse X-Mas Street Art Show 2018
One Truth Bros
- Love Your Life - Street Art Zürich
Artwork: Pase, Photos: Million Motions
- UBS Innovations Forum
One Truth Bros
- Berlin Mural Street Art Festival - Dog House
One Truth Bros
- Lisboa Street Art Dogs
One Truth bros
- Art or Vandalism - Street Art Ausstellung Schweiz
One Truth Bros, Pase+Dr.Drax
- Street Art Bahnhofstrasse - 7 Friday Space
One Truth Bros
- Graffiti Swiss Army Pinzgauer
One Truth Bros
- Together - Streetart Mural
One Truth Bros
- Bros Hand lettering
- Recycle the Nature
One Truth Bros
- X-Mas Art Show 2017
One Truth Bros and Dogs
- Red-White-Black Artwork
- Skate Charity Kolly Gallery
One Truth Bros and many more..
- Golvet Berlin
Pase, Dr.Drax ( One Truth Bros)
- Hand lettering - Old Window frame
- Barcelona "Nau Bostik"
One Truth Bros
- Art International Zürich - Puls 5
One Truth Bros feat. Birne JBCB
- Germany Summer Tour 2017
- Rhy Art Fair Basel 2017
One Truth Bros
- International Urban Art Auction
One Truth Bros and many more...
- The Haus / Berlin Art Bang
Pase,Dr.Drax (One Truth Bros)
- Samsung Urban Art Mapping
One Truth Bros / Projektil
- "NOW" Streetart Show
One Truth Bros feat. Snyr (Emanuel Roth)
- Art Auction for children
- Netherlands Tour 2016
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Fifa Museum Art Collection
Dr.Drax, Pase
- Swiss Knife / Berlin Street Art
Dr.Drax, Pase, Akte One, Kobe
- Freedom for your Soul
Werk, Pase, Dr.Drax, Ster, Earth, Awes
- Ernst Kurat / Handstyle, Throw up
- Kolly Gallery / Mixed Art Show
One Truth Bros, Nychos, Supa Kitch, Ilk
- Google Playtime
- Street Art Auction Lausanne 2
Dr.Drax, Pase
- One Truth Studio X-Mas Exhibition 2015
Dr.Drax, Pase, feat. Insect
- Street Art Auction Crans Montana
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Create or Destroy / Highest Street Art Mural Switzerland
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Cope 2 meets One Truth Bros
Cope 2, Dr.Drax, Pase, Mzo
- The Burden of City / Burden Man
Dr.Drax, Pase / One Truth Brothers
- Chicago Street Art Auction
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Street Art Project Quaibridge Zurich City
Pase, Dr.Drax, Werk, Insect, Norm
- One Truth Dog
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Street Art Auction feat. Banksy
Pase, Dr.Drax and many others..
- Expo Milano / Swiss Pavilion
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Out Of Control / Graffuturism
- New works on Canvas 2015
Pase, Dr.Drax
- Artworks at Kolly Gallery
- Gallery Vertes Modern Art Collection
- X-Mas Streetart Exhibition 2014
Dr.Drax, Pase feat. Insect, Norm
- Google Game Area
Pase, Dr.Drax
- UBS / Art on Building
Pase, Dr.Drax
- One Truth meets Bates / Volvo Art Tour
Dr.Drax, Pase, Bates
- Repoxit / Art in Space
- Selected Works on Canvas 2014
- Selected Works on Canvas 2014
- One Truth Berlin Kreuzberg Street Art
- Aeschbacher / SF1 Graffiti Auftrag
- Graffiti Auftrag Hausfassade Playground
- Graffiti Auftrag UBS Bahnhofstrasse Zürich
Werk, Dr.Drax, Pase
- Graffiti Auftrag Contemporary Art
- Graffiti Auftrag Stadt Zürich Tausendfüssler
One Truth Crew
- Olympia London House Of Switzerland One Truth Graffiti Auftrag
Dr.Drax , Pase
- Graffiti Auftrag Zürich / Häuser Rötelstrasse
One Truth Crew feat. Soup, Snyr